Anglija, 15. gadsimts. Hal, kaprīzs princis, kurš dzīvo tālu no tiesas, ir apstākļu spiests negribīgi pieņemt troni un kļūt par Henriju V.
England, 15th century. Hal, a capricious prince who lives among the populace far from court, is forced by circumstances to reluctantly accept the throne and become Henry V.
Anglija, 15. gadsimts. Hal, kaprīzs princis, kurš dzīvo tālu no tiesas, ir apstākļu spiests negribīgi pieņemt troni un kļūt par Henriju V.
England, 15th century. Hal, a capricious prince who lives among the populace far from court, is forced by circumstances to reluctantly accept the throne and become Henry V.