Arns ir nokalpojis savu pilnvaru laiku Svētajā zemē un atgriežas mājās, lai atkal satiktos ar savu mīļoto Sesīliju. Atgriežoties mājās, viņš atklāj, ka politiskie spēki mēģina viņu un Sesīliju šķirt, taču, pateicoties karalienei Blankai, viņi beidzot var apprecēties. Arns zina, ka draud karš, un ar savām kaujas zināšanām viņš sāk veidot armiju savā jaunajā mājā Forsvikā.
Arn has served his term in the Holy land and returns home to be reunited with his beloved Cecilia. When he returns home, he discovers that political forces tries to separate him and Cecilia - but thanks to queen Blanka they can finally get married. Arn knows that war is looming and with his martial knowledge he starts to build an army at his new home at Forsvik.
Arns ir nokalpojis savu pilnvaru laiku Svētajā zemē un atgriežas mājās, lai atkal satiktos ar savu mīļoto Sesīliju. Atgriežoties mājās, viņš atklāj, ka politiskie spēki mēģina viņu un Sesīliju šķirt, taču, pateicoties karalienei Blankai, viņi beidzot var apprecēties. Arns zina, ka draud karš, un ar savām kaujas zināšanām viņš sāk veidot armiju savā jaunajā mājā Forsvikā.
Arn has served his term in the Holy land and returns home to be reunited with his beloved Cecilia. When he returns home, he discovers that political forces tries to separate him and Cecilia - but thanks to queen Blanka they can finally get married. Arn knows that war is looming and with his martial knowledge he starts to build an army at his new home at Forsvik.
Arn - A királyság, az út végén (HU) Arn 2 (SE) Arn - riket vid vägens slut (SE) Arn: The Kingdom at Road's End (NL) Arn: Riket vid vägens slut (US) Arn: The Kingdom at the End of the Road (US)