Nepamatoti notiesāts par savas sievas slepkavību un piespriests nāvessods, Ričards Kimbls aizbēg no likuma, cenšoties atrast viņas slepkavu un notīrīt viņa vārdu. Vajā viņu no ASV tiesnešu komandas, kuru vada vietnieks Samuels Džerards - apņēmīgs detektīvs, kurš nemūžam neatradīsies, kamēr Ričards netiks notverts. Kad Kimble ved tiesnešus cauri sarežģītu pakaļdzīšanās sērijai, viņš atklāj sievas nāves noslēpumu un cīnās par slepkavas pakļaušanu pirms viņa sagūstīšanas vai nogalināšanas.
Wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to death, Richard Kimble escapes from the law in an attempt to find her killer and clear his name. Pursuing him is a team of U.S. marshals led by Deputy Samuel Gerard, a determined detective who will not rest until Richard is captured. As Kimble leads the marshals through a series of intricate chases, he uncovers the secret behind his wife's death and struggles to expose the killer before he is recaptured, or killed.
Nepamatoti notiesāts par savas sievas slepkavību un piespriests nāvessods, Ričards Kimbls aizbēg no likuma, cenšoties atrast viņas slepkavu un notīrīt viņa vārdu. Vajā viņu no ASV tiesnešu komandas, kuru vada vietnieks Samuels Džerards - apņēmīgs detektīvs, kurš nemūžam neatradīsies, kamēr Ričards netiks notverts. Kad Kimble ved tiesnešus cauri sarežģītu pakaļdzīšanās sērijai, viņš atklāj sievas nāves noslēpumu un cīnās par slepkavas pakļaušanu pirms viņa sagūstīšanas vai nogalināšanas.
Wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to death, Richard Kimble escapes from the law in an attempt to find her killer and clear his name. Pursuing him is a team of U.S. marshals led by Deputy Samuel Gerard, a determined detective who will not rest until Richard is captured. As Kimble leads the marshals through a series of intricate chases, he uncovers the secret behind his wife's death and struggles to expose the killer before he is recaptured, or killed.