John Leveque

John Leveque

John Leveque is a sound editor. He has won two BAFTAs for sound and has been nominated by the Motion Picture Sound Editors for sound. He has worked on over 70 films.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Kodols (2003)

IMDB: 5.5 (88721 balsu)
Elfs (2003)

IMDB: 6.9 (208511 balsu)
Baiļu summa (2002)

IMDB: 6.4 (119275 balsu)
Sliktāk nevar būt (2001)

IMDB: 5.5 (14504 balsu)
8MM (1999)

IMDB: 6.5 (119183 balsu)
Trīs karaļi (1999)

IMDB: 7.1 (155968 balsu)
Likuma kalpi (1998)

IMDB: 6.5 (108246 balsu)
Losandželosa konfidenciāli (1997)

IMDB: 8.2 (587834 balsu)
Betmens un Robins (1997)

IMDB: 3.7 (225512 balsu)
A Time to Kill (1996)

IMDB: 7.5 (165285 balsu)
Betmens mūžīgi (1995)

IMDB: 5.4 (227245 balsu)
Reālie draudi (1994)

IMDB: 6.9 (85136 balsu)
Bēglis (1993)

IMDB: 7.8 (254592 balsu)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (1989)

IMDB: 6.8 (55751 balsu)
The Van (1977)

IMDB: 4.5 (950 balsu)