Bijusī basketbola zvaigzne, kura cīņā ar atkarību ir zaudējusi sievu un ģimenes pamatus, mēģina atgūt dvēseli un pestīšanu, kļūstot par savas atšķirīgās etniski sajauktās vidusskolas basketbola komandas treneri viņa alma mater.
A former basketball all-star, who has lost his wife and family foundation in a struggle with addiction attempts to regain his soul and salvation by becoming the coach of a disparate ethnically mixed high school basketball team at his alma mater.
Bijusī basketbola zvaigzne, kura cīņā ar atkarību ir zaudējusi sievu un ģimenes pamatus, mēģina atgūt dvēseli un pestīšanu, kļūstot par savas atšķirīgās etniski sajauktās vidusskolas basketbola komandas treneri viņa alma mater.
A former basketball all-star, who has lost his wife and family foundation in a struggle with addiction attempts to regain his soul and salvation by becoming the coach of a disparate ethnically mixed high school basketball team at his alma mater.
The Has-Been (US) Torrance (US) Caminho da Liberdade (BR) 亡命千万里 (CN) 回去的路 (CN) 回家的路 (CN) 归途 (CN) The Way Back – Der lange Weg (DE) Camino a la Libertad (ES) Les chemins de la liberté (FR) ウェイバック -脱出6500km (JP) 웨이 백 (KR) Niepokonani (PL) Rumo à Liberdade (PT) Drumul de întoarcere (RO) Путь домой (RU) 自由之路 (TW) Шлях додому (UA)