Lorenzo Senatore

Lorenzo Senatore

02.03.1974 (51 gadi) (London, England UK)

Lorenzo Senatore, ICG, AIC (born March 2, 1974) is an Italian cinematographer. He studied filmmaking in Rome, and at the age of 25 became the youngest steadicam and camera operator in Italy. He has served as a camera operator and 2nd unit director of photography on numerous blockbuster films including 300: Rise of an Empire, Spectre, London Has Fallen, Beauty and the Beast, and Wonder Woman. He has also served as director of photography on a number of Syfy television films.


Piedalījās radīšanā

Abizū lāsts (2022)

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Ellespuika (2019)

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Brīnumsieviete (2017)

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007: SPEKTRS (2015)

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