Filma sākas ar dzīvu darbību secību, kas tika iestatīta Bostonā 1857. gadā - slavenā romāna autora Dikensa tiešraides vietā. Sākot savu “spoku stāstu”, auditorijā sieviete kliedz, jo ir redzējusi peli, un Dikenss norāda, ka tas ir pareizi, jo viņa stāsts sākas ar peli. Šajā brīdī stāsts pārvēršas par animēto versiju, un Dikenss skaidro, ka pele, na
The film begins with a live-action sequence set in Boston in 1857, the site of a live reading by renowned novelist Dickens. As he begins his 'story of ghosts' a woman in the audience screams because she has seen a mouse and Dickens points out that this is appropriate since his story begins with a mouse. At this point the story turns into the animated version and Dickens explains that the mouse, na
Filma sākas ar dzīvu darbību secību, kas tika iestatīta Bostonā 1857. gadā - slavenā romāna autora Dikensa tiešraides vietā. Sākot savu “spoku stāstu”, auditorijā sieviete kliedz, jo ir redzējusi peli, un Dikenss norāda, ka tas ir pareizi, jo viņa stāsts sākas ar peli. Šajā brīdī stāsts pārvēršas par animēto versiju, un Dikenss skaidro, ka pele, na
The film begins with a live-action sequence set in Boston in 1857, the site of a live reading by renowned novelist Dickens. As he begins his 'story of ghosts' a woman in the audience screams because she has seen a mouse and Dickens points out that this is appropriate since his story begins with a mouse. At this point the story turns into the animated version and Dickens explains that the mouse, na