Septiņdesmit divas stundas ilgs viesulis bohēmiskā mākslinieka Amedeo Modiljāni, ko viņa draugi dēvē par Modi, dzīvē seko haotiskai notikumu virknei pa kara plosītās Parīzes ielām 1916. gadā. Bēgot no policijas, viņa vēlme izbeigt. viņa karjeru un pamest pilsētu atteica kolēģi mākslinieki Moriss Utrillo, Chaims Soutine un Modi mūza Beatrise Hastings. Modi vēršas pēc padoma pie sava mākslas darbu tirgotāja un drauga Leopolda Zborovska, taču pēc halucināciju nakts haoss Modi prātā sasniedz crescendo, saskaroties ar amerikāņu kolekcionāru Morisu Gannatu, kuram ir tiesības mainīt viņa dzīvi.
A seventy-two-hour whirlwind in the life of bohemian artist Amedeo Modigliani, known as Modi to his friends, follows a chaotic series of events through the streets of war torn Paris in 1916. On the run from the police, his desire to end his career and leave the city is dismissed by fellow artists Maurice Utrillo, Chaim Soutine and Modi’s muse, Beatrice Hastings. Modi seeks advice from his art dealer and friend, Leopold Zborowski — however, after a night of hallucinations, the chaos in Modi’s mind reaches a crescendo when faced with an American collector, Maurice Gangnat, who has the power to change his life.
Septiņdesmit divas stundas ilgs viesulis bohēmiskā mākslinieka Amedeo Modiljāni, ko viņa draugi dēvē par Modi, dzīvē seko haotiskai notikumu virknei pa kara plosītās Parīzes ielām 1916. gadā. Bēgot no policijas, viņa vēlme izbeigt. viņa karjeru un pamest pilsētu atteica kolēģi mākslinieki Moriss Utrillo, Chaims Soutine un Modi mūza Beatrise Hastings. Modi vēršas pēc padoma pie sava mākslas darbu tirgotāja un drauga Leopolda Zborovska, taču pēc halucināciju nakts haoss Modi prātā sasniedz crescendo, saskaroties ar amerikāņu kolekcionāru Morisu Gannatu, kuram ir tiesības mainīt viņa dzīvi.
A seventy-two-hour whirlwind in the life of bohemian artist Amedeo Modigliani, known as Modi to his friends, follows a chaotic series of events through the streets of war torn Paris in 1916. On the run from the police, his desire to end his career and leave the city is dismissed by fellow artists Maurice Utrillo, Chaim Soutine and Modi’s muse, Beatrice Hastings. Modi seeks advice from his art dealer and friend, Leopold Zborowski — however, after a night of hallucinations, the chaos in Modi’s mind reaches a crescendo when faced with an American collector, Maurice Gangnat, who has the power to change his life.