Kad uz Zemes ierodas kāds drūms briesmonis un sākas neprātīgs trakot, Tieslietu līga tiek ātri izsaukta, lai to apturētu. Bet drīz vien kļūst skaidrs, ka tikai Supermens var stāties pretī monstriem.
When a hulking monster arrives on Earth and begins a mindless rampage, the Justice League is quickly called in to stop it. But it soon becomes apparent that only Superman can stand against the monstrosity.
Kad uz Zemes ierodas kāds drūms briesmonis un sākas neprātīgs trakot, Tieslietu līga tiek ātri izsaukta, lai to apturētu. Bet drīz vien kļūst skaidrs, ka tikai Supermens var stāties pretī monstriem.
When a hulking monster arrives on Earth and begins a mindless rampage, the Justice League is quickly called in to stop it. But it soon becomes apparent that only Superman can stand against the monstrosity.