Misionārs tēvs LaForgue dodas uz jauno pasauli, cerot pārveidot Algonquin indiāņus katolicismā. Lai arī indiāņi to ir pieņēmuši, LaForgue dodas kopā ar indiāņiem, izmantojot savus stingros katoļu likumus un ideālus, lai mēģinātu uzspiest savu reliģiju.
Missionary Father LaForgue travels to the New World in hopes of converting Algonquin Indians to Catholicism. Accepted, though warily, by the Indians, LaForgue travels with the Indians using his strict Catholic rules and ideals to try and impose his religion.
Misionārs tēvs LaForgue dodas uz jauno pasauli, cerot pārveidot Algonquin indiāņus katolicismā. Lai arī indiāņi to ir pieņēmuši, LaForgue dodas kopā ar indiāņiem, izmantojot savus stingros katoļu likumus un ideālus, lai mēģinātu uzspiest savu reliģiju.
Missionary Father LaForgue travels to the New World in hopes of converting Algonquin Indians to Catholicism. Accepted, though warily, by the Indians, LaForgue travels with the Indians using his strict Catholic rules and ideals to try and impose his religion.