Komiksu detektīvam viņa dzīve ir ārkārtīgi sarežģīta, kad Breathless Mahoney dod priekšroku pret viņu, kamēr viņš mēģina cīnīties ar Big Boy Caprice apvienoto mob.
The comic strip detective finds his life vastly complicated when Breathless Mahoney makes advances towards him while he is trying to battle Big Boy Caprice's united mob.
Komiksu detektīvam viņa dzīve ir ārkārtīgi sarežģīta, kad Breathless Mahoney dod priekšroku pret viņu, kamēr viņš mēģina cīnīties ar Big Boy Caprice apvienoto mob.
The comic strip detective finds his life vastly complicated when Breathless Mahoney makes advances towards him while he is trying to battle Big Boy Caprice's united mob.