Stāsts koncentrējas ap slepkavu veterānu Marku Shieldsu, kad viņš izseko Pelonu, Salazar noziegumu karteļa nenotveramo galvu. Likteņa līkločos Shields nonāk ar vietējo sievieti Olīviju, kura savas meitas dēļ cīnās arī ar saviem dēmoniem. La Linea (The Line), kas atrodas bagātīgajā un atmosfēras fonā Tijuanā, Meksikā, ir pilna ar darbību un drāmu.
The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of fate, Shields ends up with a local woman, Olivia who is also fighting her own demons for the sake of her daughter. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action and drama.
Stāsts koncentrējas ap slepkavu veterānu Marku Shieldsu, kad viņš izseko Pelonu, Salazar noziegumu karteļa nenotveramo galvu. Likteņa līkločos Shields nonāk ar vietējo sievieti Olīviju, kura savas meitas dēļ cīnās arī ar saviem dēmoniem. La Linea (The Line), kas atrodas bagātīgajā un atmosfēras fonā Tijuanā, Meksikā, ir pilna ar darbību un drāmu.
The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of fate, Shields ends up with a local woman, Olivia who is also fighting her own demons for the sake of her daughter. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action and drama.