1933. gadā Ņujorkā pārlieku ambiciozais filmas producents piespiež savu lietoto un nolīgto kuģu apkalpi doties uz noslēpumaino galvaskausa salu, kur viņi sastopas ar Kongu - milzu pērtiķi, kuru nekavējoties sit ar vadošo kundzi.
In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with the leading lady.
1933. gadā Ņujorkā pārlieku ambiciozais filmas producents piespiež savu lietoto un nolīgto kuģu apkalpi doties uz noslēpumaino galvaskausa salu, kur viņi sastopas ar Kongu - milzu pērtiķi, kuru nekavējoties sit ar vadošo kundzi.
In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten with the leading lady.