Kopā ar jaunajiem draugiem pusaudzis, kuru aizturēja ASV slepenais dienests un kuram bija aizliegts izmantot datoru datorvīrusa rakstīšanai, atklāj niecīga hakera paraugu, taču viņiem ir jāizmanto savas datorprasmes, lai atrastu pierādījumus, kamēr viņu vajā slepenais dienests un ļaunais datoru ģēnijs, kas slēpjas aiz vīrusa.
Along with his new friends, a teenager who was arrested by the US Secret Service and banned from using a computer for writing a computer virus discovers a plot by a nefarious hacker, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.
Kopā ar jaunajiem draugiem pusaudzis, kuru aizturēja ASV slepenais dienests un kuram bija aizliegts izmantot datoru datorvīrusa rakstīšanai, atklāj niecīga hakera paraugu, taču viņiem ir jāizmanto savas datorprasmes, lai atrastu pierādījumus, kamēr viņu vajā slepenais dienests un ļaunais datoru ģēnijs, kas slēpjas aiz vīrusa.
Along with his new friends, a teenager who was arrested by the US Secret Service and banned from using a computer for writing a computer virus discovers a plot by a nefarious hacker, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.