Lai gan pēc bēdām Ne Zha un Ao Bing dvēseles tika saglabātas, viņu fiziskais ķermenis drīz tiks pilnībā iznīcināts. Tai Ji Džen Rens plāno izmantot septiņu krāsu lotosu, lai pārveidotu savu fizisko ķermeni. Bet, pārveidojot savu fizisko ķermeni, viņi saskārās ar daudzām grūtībām. Kur virzīsies Ne Zha un Ao Bing liktenis?
After the tribulation, although the souls of Ne Zha and Ao Bing were preserved, their physical bodies would soon be completely destroyed.Tai Yi Zhen Ren plans to use the Seven Colored Lotus to reshape their physical bodies. But in the process of reshaping their physical bodies, they encountered numerous difficulties. Where will the fate of Ne Zha and Ao Bing go?
Lai gan pēc bēdām Ne Zha un Ao Bing dvēseles tika saglabātas, viņu fiziskais ķermenis drīz tiks pilnībā iznīcināts. Tai Ji Džen Rens plāno izmantot septiņu krāsu lotosu, lai pārveidotu savu fizisko ķermeni. Bet, pārveidojot savu fizisko ķermeni, viņi saskārās ar daudzām grūtībām. Kur virzīsies Ne Zha un Ao Bing liktenis?
After the tribulation, although the souls of Ne Zha and Ao Bing were preserved, their physical bodies would soon be completely destroyed.Tai Yi Zhen Ren plans to use the Seven Colored Lotus to reshape their physical bodies. But in the process of reshaping their physical bodies, they encountered numerous difficulties. Where will the fate of Ne Zha and Ao Bing go?