Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
04.10.2021 Epizode 1 (The Nosferatu Project)
11.10.2021 Epizode 2 (The Path to Becoming a Cosmonaut)
18.10.2021 Epizode 3 (Night Flight)
25.10.2021 Epizode 4 (A Promise by the Lake)
01.11.2021 Epizode 5 (Training Separately)
08.11.2021 Epizode 6 (Nosferatu)
15.11.2021 Epizode 7 (Lycoris Cooking Show)
22.11.2021 Epizode 8 (A Maiden's Prayer)
29.11.2021 Epizode 9 (The White Rose of Sangrad)
06.12.2021 Epizode 10 (A Cold Spring)
13.12.2021 Epizode 11 (Lies and Truths)
20.12.2021 Epizode 12 (To the New World)