Džeks Dods bija Londonas miesnieks, kurš vairāk nekā 50 gadus baudīja pinti ar saviem biedriem. Kad viņš nomira, viņš nomira tā, kā dzīvoja, ar smaidu sejā, vērojot zirgu skriešanās sacīkstes, uz kurām viņš bija izdarījis likmes, ar aizņemto naudu. Bet pirms viņa nāves viņam bija pēdējais lūgums “Pēdējie rīkojumi”, lai viņa pelni tiktu izkaisīti jūrā Margate. Filma seko viņa biedriem Ray, Lenny un Vic un viņa audžu dēlam Vince, kad viņi dodas uz jūru ar pelniem. Pa ceļam viņu atmiņās par Džeku un viņa sievu Amiju tiek savīti pavedieni, mīlestība un vilšanās.
Jack Dodd was a London butcher who enjoyed a pint with his mates for over 50 years. When he died, he died as he lived, with a smile on his face watching a horse race on which he had bet, with borrowed money. But before he died he had a final request, 'Last Orders', that his ashes be scattered in the sea at Margate. The movie follows his mates, Ray, Lenny and Vic and his foster son Vince as they journey to the sea with the ashes. Along the way, the threads of their lives, their loves and their disappointments are woven together in their memories of Jack and his wife Amy
Džeks Dods bija Londonas miesnieks, kurš vairāk nekā 50 gadus baudīja pinti ar saviem biedriem. Kad viņš nomira, viņš nomira tā, kā dzīvoja, ar smaidu sejā, vērojot zirgu skriešanās sacīkstes, uz kurām viņš bija izdarījis likmes, ar aizņemto naudu. Bet pirms viņa nāves viņam bija pēdējais lūgums “Pēdējie rīkojumi”, lai viņa pelni tiktu izkaisīti jūrā Margate. Filma seko viņa biedriem Ray, Lenny un Vic un viņa audžu dēlam Vince, kad viņi dodas uz jūru ar pelniem. Pa ceļam viņu atmiņās par Džeku un viņa sievu Amiju tiek savīti pavedieni, mīlestība un vilšanās.
Jack Dodd was a London butcher who enjoyed a pint with his mates for over 50 years. When he died, he died as he lived, with a smile on his face watching a horse race on which he had bet, with borrowed money. But before he died he had a final request, 'Last Orders', that his ashes be scattered in the sea at Margate. The movie follows his mates, Ray, Lenny and Vic and his foster son Vince as they journey to the sea with the ashes. Along the way, the threads of their lives, their loves and their disappointments are woven together in their memories of Jack and his wife Amy