Trimdas mākslinieks un dzejnieks Mustafa dodas mājupceļā kopā ar savu saimnieci un viņas meitu; trijotnei ir jāizvairās no varas iestādēm, kuras baidās, ka patiesība Mustafa vārdos izraisīs sacelšanos.
Exiled artist and poet Mustafa embarks on a journey home with his housekeeper and her daughter; together the trio must evade the authorities who fear that the truth in Mustafa's words will incite rebellion.
Trimdas mākslinieks un dzejnieks Mustafa dodas mājupceļā kopā ar savu saimnieci un viņas meitu; trijotnei ir jāizvairās no varas iestādēm, kuras baidās, ka patiesība Mustafa vārdos izraisīs sacelšanos.
Exiled artist and poet Mustafa embarks on a journey home with his housekeeper and her daughter; together the trio must evade the authorities who fear that the truth in Mustafa's words will incite rebellion.