Džonatans Ecks, FBI aģents, saprot, ka, lai pieveiktu kopējo ienaidnieku, viņam jāpievienojas savam mūža ienaidniekam aģentam Severam, negodīgam DIA aģentam, ar kuru viņš ir mirstīgā cīņā. Šis ienaidnieks ir izstrādājis "mikroierīci", kuru var injicēt upuriem, lai nogalinātu viņus pēc vēlēšanās.
Jonathan Ecks, an FBI agent, realizes that he must join with his lifelong enemy, Agent Sever, a rogue DIA agent with whom he is in mortal combat, in order to defeat a common enemy. That enemy has developed a "micro-device" that can be injected into victims in order to kill them at will.
Džonatans Ecks, FBI aģents, saprot, ka, lai pieveiktu kopējo ienaidnieku, viņam jāpievienojas savam mūža ienaidniekam aģentam Severam, negodīgam DIA aģentam, ar kuru viņš ir mirstīgā cīņā. Šis ienaidnieks ir izstrādājis "mikroierīci", kuru var injicēt upuriem, lai nogalinātu viņus pēc vēlēšanās.
Jonathan Ecks, an FBI agent, realizes that he must join with his lifelong enemy, Agent Sever, a rogue DIA agent with whom he is in mortal combat, in order to defeat a common enemy. That enemy has developed a "micro-device" that can be injected into victims in order to kill them at will.