Disneja kanāla iestudējums Džūlija Šermena Volfa scenārija adaptācijai Meg Kabota populārajam romānam Avalon High. Elaine "Ellie" Harrison tikko pārcēlās no Minesotas uz Anapolisu, Mērilendā, kamēr viņas vecāki gadu veica sabatu, lai turpinātu viduslaiku studijas tuvējā DC. Viņas jaunā vidusskola Avalon High šķiet tipiska vidusskola ar stereotipiskiem studentiem: Lance the Jock, karsējmeiteņu Dženifera, Marco, sliktais zēns / desperado un Will, vecākās klases prezidents, ceturtdaļreģis un visapkārt labs puisis. . Bet ne visi Avalon High ir tie, kas viņi ir, pat ne pati Ellie. Galu galā kļūst skaidrs, ka Avalon High ir situācija, kurā senā Artūrijas leģenda atkārtojas. Vils, Dženifera, Lance, Marco un Mortona kungs visi attiecīgi ir attiecīgi karalis Artūrs, karaliene Ginevere, Knight Lancelot, Mordred un Merlin.
Disney Channel's production of Julie Sherman Wolfe's screenplay adaptation of the popular novel Avalon High by Meg Cabot. Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year long sabbatical to continue their medieval studies in nearby DC. Her new high school, Avalon High, seems like a typical high school with the stereotypical students: Lance the jock, Jennifer the cheerleader, Marco, the bad boy/desperado, and Will, the senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy. But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be, not even Ellie herself. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Avalon High is a situation where the ancient Arthurian legend is repeating itself. Will, Jennifer, Lance, Marco, and Mr. Morton all correspond to King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Knight Lancelot, Mordred, and Merlin, respectively.
Disneja kanāla iestudējums Džūlija Šermena Volfa scenārija adaptācijai Meg Kabota populārajam romānam Avalon High. Elaine "Ellie" Harrison tikko pārcēlās no Minesotas uz Anapolisu, Mērilendā, kamēr viņas vecāki gadu veica sabatu, lai turpinātu viduslaiku studijas tuvējā DC. Viņas jaunā vidusskola Avalon High šķiet tipiska vidusskola ar stereotipiskiem studentiem: Lance the Jock, karsējmeiteņu Dženifera, Marco, sliktais zēns / desperado un Will, vecākās klases prezidents, ceturtdaļreģis un visapkārt labs puisis. . Bet ne visi Avalon High ir tie, kas viņi ir, pat ne pati Ellie. Galu galā kļūst skaidrs, ka Avalon High ir situācija, kurā senā Artūrijas leģenda atkārtojas. Vils, Dženifera, Lance, Marco un Mortona kungs visi attiecīgi ir attiecīgi karalis Artūrs, karaliene Ginevere, Knight Lancelot, Mordred un Merlin.
Disney Channel's production of Julie Sherman Wolfe's screenplay adaptation of the popular novel Avalon High by Meg Cabot. Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year long sabbatical to continue their medieval studies in nearby DC. Her new high school, Avalon High, seems like a typical high school with the stereotypical students: Lance the jock, Jennifer the cheerleader, Marco, the bad boy/desperado, and Will, the senior class president, quarterback, and all around good guy. But not everyone at Avalon High is who they appear to be, not even Ellie herself. Eventually, it becomes apparent that Avalon High is a situation where the ancient Arthurian legend is repeating itself. Will, Jennifer, Lance, Marco, and Mr. Morton all correspond to King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, Knight Lancelot, Mordred, and Merlin, respectively.