Karena Makkonija tiek atbrīvota no cietuma bez nekas cits kā drēbes mugurā. Pirms ieslodzījuma Karena bija sava laika banku laupītāja, bet tagad viņa vēlas, lai nekas cits neatliktu, kā apmesties un sākt jaunu dzīvi. Diemžēl starp netīro nosacītās amatpersonas, veciem biznesa partneriem un idiotu bijušo vīru viņai nāksies rīkoties neiedomājami, lai glābtu savu dēlu.
Karen McCoy is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole officer, old business partners, and an idiot ex-husband she will have to do the unthinkable in order to save her son.
Karena Makkonija tiek atbrīvota no cietuma bez nekas cits kā drēbes mugurā. Pirms ieslodzījuma Karena bija sava laika banku laupītāja, bet tagad viņa vēlas, lai nekas cits neatliktu, kā apmesties un sākt jaunu dzīvi. Diemžēl starp netīro nosacītās amatpersonas, veciem biznesa partneriem un idiotu bijušo vīru viņai nāksies rīkoties neiedomājami, lai glābtu savu dēlu.
Karen McCoy is released from prison with nothing but the clothes on her back. Before being incarcerated Karen was the bank robber of her time, but now she wishes for nothing more than to settle down and start a new life. Unfortunately between a dirty parole officer, old business partners, and an idiot ex-husband she will have to do the unthinkable in order to save her son.