Ētiskajam Baltimoras aizsardzības juristam, kurš nepatīk pret nikno juridisko korupciju, tiek lūgts aizstāvēt tiesnesi, kuru viņš nicina izvarošanas tiesā. Bet, ja viņš to nedarīs, tiesnesis viņu atstās.
An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is asked to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial. But if he doesn't do it, the judge will have him disbarred.
Ētiskajam Baltimoras aizsardzības juristam, kurš nepatīk pret nikno juridisko korupciju, tiek lūgts aizstāvēt tiesnesi, kuru viņš nicina izvarošanas tiesā. Bet, ja viņš to nedarīs, tiesnesis viņu atstās.
An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is asked to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial. But if he doesn't do it, the judge will have him disbarred.