Turpinājums House of 1000 Corpses - Firefly ģimeni savās izolētajās mājās satraucis šerifs Wydell un bruņotu vīru pistoles, kas degošas - tomēr tikai Otis un viņa māsa, Baby, izdodas izkļūt no neskartu ložu aizsprosta. Slēpjoties motelī, kurā meklējami piekrastes ūdeņi, meklētie brāļi un māsas gaida, lai satiktos ar savu kņazo tēvu, kapteini Spauldingu, nogalinot katru, kurš notiek viņu ceļā.
The sequel to House of 1000 Corpses – the Firefly family are ambushed at their isolated home by Sheriff Wydell and a squad of armed men guns blazing – yet only Otis and his sister, Baby, manage to escape the barrage of bullets unharmed. Hiding out in a backwater motel, the wanted siblings wait to rendezvous with their errant father, Captain Spaulding, killing whoever happens to stand in their way.
Turpinājums House of 1000 Corpses - Firefly ģimeni savās izolētajās mājās satraucis šerifs Wydell un bruņotu vīru pistoles, kas degošas - tomēr tikai Otis un viņa māsa, Baby, izdodas izkļūt no neskartu ložu aizsprosta. Slēpjoties motelī, kurā meklējami piekrastes ūdeņi, meklētie brāļi un māsas gaida, lai satiktos ar savu kņazo tēvu, kapteini Spauldingu, nogalinot katru, kurš notiek viņu ceļā.
The sequel to House of 1000 Corpses – the Firefly family are ambushed at their isolated home by Sheriff Wydell and a squad of armed men guns blazing – yet only Otis and his sister, Baby, manage to escape the barrage of bullets unharmed. Hiding out in a backwater motel, the wanted siblings wait to rendezvous with their errant father, Captain Spaulding, killing whoever happens to stand in their way.
The Devils Rejects - UR (AU) House of 1,000 Corpses 2 - The Devils Rejects (CA) La Maison des 1000 Morts 2 - The Devil's Rejects (CA) The Devil’s Rejects (Director’s Cut) (DE) Az 1000 halott háza 2. - A sátán bosszúja (HU) House of 1,000 Corpses 2 (US) House of 2,000 corpses (US) TDR : The Devil's Rejects (US) The Devil's Rejects: House of 1000 Corpses 2 (US)