
4 (32810 голосов)
Beth Raymond (Shannyn Sossamon) is traumatized when she witnesses the gruesome deaths of two friends just days apart. Even more disturbing, she knows that both of them had received chilling cell phone messages-actual recordings of their own horrifying last moments. Impossibly, the calls were received days before they died, but each death occurred precisely when and how the messages foretold. The police think Beth is delusional-except for Detective Jack Andrews (Edward Burns) whose own sister was killed in a freak accident that bears a strange similarity to the deaths of Beth's friends. Together, Jack and Beth work feverishly to unravel the mystery behind the ominous calls. But even as they get closer to the truth, Beth's cell phone begins to ring with an eerie tune, and the readout says One Missed Call… Cast: Shannyn Sossamon, Edward Burns, Azura Skye, Johnny Lewis, Jason Beghe Directed by Eric Valette Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Meet the Spartans | США
2.8 (109144 голосов)
The heroic Leonidas, armed with nothing by leather underwear and a cape, leads a ragtag group of 13 - count 'em, 13! -- Spartans to defend their homeland against the invading Persians (whose ranks include Ghost Rider, Rocky Balboa, the Transformers, and a hunchbacked Paris Hilton). Cast: Sean Maguire, Carmen Electra, Nicole Parker, Emily Wilson Directed by Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

There Will Be Blood | США
8.2 (594211 голосов)
A sprawling epic of family, faith, power and oil, movie is set on the incendiary frontier of California's turn-of-the-century petroleum boom. The story chronicles the life and times of one Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis), who transforms himself from a down-and-out silver miner raising a son on his own into a self-made oil tycoon. When Plainview gets a mysterious tip-off that there's a little town out West where an ocean of oil is oozing out of the ground, he heads with his son, H.W. (Dillon Freasier), to take their chances in dust-worn Little Boston. In this hardscrabble town, where the main excitement centers around the holy roller church of charismatic preacher Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), Plainview and H.W. make their lucky strike. But even as the well raises all of their fortunes, nothing will remain the same as conflicts escalate and every human value - love, hope, community, belief, ambition and even the bond between father and son - is imperiled by corruption, deception and the flow of oil. Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Ciar?n Hinds, Kevin J. O'Connor, Dillon Freasier. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Le Deuxieme Souffle | Франция
5.7 (1233 голосов)
Gu, a famous gangster, has just escaped from jail. All french police is after him. Before leaving the country with Manouche, the woman he loves, Gu needs a final job to get some money. The job works, but a police's scheming makes Gu appear as a traitor to his own accomplices. Gu will do whatever it takes to clean his honor... Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Monica Bellucci, Michel Blanc, Daniel Duval Directed by Alain Corneau Movie in French with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Untraceable | США
6.2 (51318 голосов)
A secret service agent, Jennifer Marsh, gets caught in a very personal and deadly cat-and-mouse game with a serial killer who knows that people (being what they are - both curious and drawn to the dark side of things) will log onto an "untraceable" website where he conducts violent and painful murders LIVE on the net. The more people who log on and enter the website, the quicker and more violently the victim dies Cast: Diane Lane, Billy Burke, Colin Hanks, Joseph Cross, Mary Beth Hurt Directed by Gregory Hoblit Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Orphanage, The | Испания
7.4 (158125 голосов)
Laura spent the happiest years of her childhood growing up in an orphanage by the seaside, cared for by the staff and fellow orphans whom she loved as brothers and sisters. Now, thirty years later, she returns with her husband Carlos and Simon, their 7-year-old son, with a dream of restoring and reopening the long-abandoned orphanage as a home for disabled children. The new home and mysterious surroundings awaken Simon's imagination and the boy starts to spin a web of fantastic tales and not-so-innocent games... A troubling web that begins to disturb Laura, drawing her into the child's strange universe which resonates with echoes of long-forgotten, deeply unsettling memories of her own childhood. As the opening day draws near, tension builds within the family. Carlos remains sceptical, believing that Simon is making everything up in a desperate bid for attention. But Laura slowly becomes convinced that something long-hidden and terrible is lurking in the old house, something waiting to emerge and inflict appalling damage on her family. Cast: Belén Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Geraldine Chaplin, Montserrat Carulla, Mabel Rivera Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona Movie in Spanish with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Shutter | США
5.2 (35616 голосов)
For photographer Ben (Joshua Jackson) and his new wife Jane (Rachael Taylor), his new assignment - a lucrative fashion shoot in Tokyo - was supposed to be a kind of working honeymoon. With this exotic professional opportunity and the limitless possibilities of a new marriage, Ben and Jane arrive in Japan. But as they make their way on a mountain road leading to Mt. Fuji, their new life together comes to, literally, a crashing halt. Their car smashes into a woman standing in the middle of the road, who has materialized out of nowhere. Upon regaining consciousness after the accident, Ben and Jane cannot find any trace of the girl Jane believes she hit with the car. Shaken by the accident and by the girl's disappearance, Ben and Jane arrive in Tokyo, where Ben begins his glamorous assignment. Having worked in Japan before and fluent in the language, Ben is comfortable there, and he eagerly reunites with old friends and colleagues. Jane, a newcomer to the city, feels very much like a stranger in a strange land as she makes tentative, unsettling forays through the city. Ben, meanwhile, has discovered mysterious white blurs - eerily evocative of a human form - that have materialized on an entire day's work from the expensive photo shoot. Jane's concerns escalate as she believes the blurs in Ben's photos are the dead girl from the road, who is now seeking vengeance for them leaving her to die… Cast: Joshua Jackson, Rachael Taylor, David Denman, James Kyson Lee, John Hensley Directed by Masayuki Ochiai Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Street Kings | США
6.8 (101,566 голосов)
Полицейский из Лос-Анджелеса ни разу в жизни не задумывался над тем, что его может ожидать за гранью собственного уютного мира. Однако со смертью любимой жены в его жизнь входит темная, беспощадная, отчаянная пустота. Ладлоу вынужден действовать, когда его же собственные друзья-соратники обвиняют его в убийстве. Так начинается борьба человека за свое место в мире, который все больше и больше контролируется внешними силами.

Комическая история об американской девочке-подростке с бунтарским характером, которую после многочисленных стычек с отцом отправляют в английскую школу-интернат со строгими правилами, чтобы исправить ее поведение. В ролях: Эмма Робертс, Наташа Ричардсон, Алекс Петтифер, Эйдан Куинн, Ник Фрост, Ширли Хендерсон, Джуно Тэмпл, Дэйзи Донован, Пол Баттеруорт, Селина Кэделл, Джейсон Уоткинс, Кимберли Никсон, Джонни Пакар, Ванесса Брэнч Режиссёр: Ник Мур

Hitler Kaput | Украина| Россия
3 (2086 голосов)
Весна, любовь, и шпионские страсти бурлят в декорациях Третьего Рейха. Русский супер-агент — строго засекреченный шпион Шура Осечкин, он же штандартенфюрер СС Олаф Шуренберг, самоотверженно и нахально ведет подрывную деятельность в ставке Гитлера. Войне скоро конец, и это уже понятно всем, кроме фанатичного фюрера и подозрительного Мюллера. Простые труженики Рейха давно махнули на все рукой, пустились в отрыв и бесшабашно тусуются по клубам. Шуренберг скучает по дому и выращивает помидоры в тайной теплице возле своего дома на 007-Штрассе. Очередное задание Центра сваливается на него прямо с неба — вместе с новой помощницей, очаровательной и сексапильной радисткой Зиной, мечтой каждого мужчины. С такой боевой подругой недолго и про войну забыть! Но долг превыше всего: прежде чем вернуться на Родину и зажить счастливо вместе, супер-агентам Шуренбергу и Зине предстоит провернуть одну, последнюю и очень важную операцию. Главные роли в этой пародийной комедии исполняют: Павел Деревянко, Анна Семенович, Ксения Собчак, Юрий Стоянов, Тимати, Михаил Галустян и другие. Pежиссёр: Marius Vaisberg

Domovoy | Россия
6.9 (1381 голосов)
Автор бульварных детективов Антон Праченко переживает творческий кризис. Выйти из него ему весьма необычным способом помогает наемный убийца по прозвищу Домовой, который на его глазах безжалостно расстреливает машину с двумя людьми. Киллер становится его идейным вдохновителем, жестко и наглядно открывающим ему суровую правду жизни. Теперь они неразрывно связаны друг с другом. В ролях: Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Mashkov, Chulpan Khamatova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Pежиссёр: Karen Oganesyan Cценарий: Oleg Malovichko, Sergey Yudakov

Luo ye gui gen | Китай| Гонконг
7.4 (1800 голосов)
Джао и Лю были коллегами и любили выпить вместе, пока Лю не умер. Сдержав данное им слово, Джао отправляется в длинное путешествие по пыльным дорогам Китая, чтобы доставить тело Лю его родственникам. С трупом на плечах пожилой человек встречает множество людей, желающих ему помочь. В ролях: Zhao Benshan, Hong Qiwen, Song Dandan Режиссер: Yang Zhang Сценарист: Zhang Yang, Wang Yao Продюсер: Wouter Barendrecht

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