
30 Days Of Night | США| Новая Зеландия
6.6 (6.6 голосов)
Каждый год на 30 дней маленький город Бэрроу на Аляске погружается во тьму. Арктическая ночь — вещь вполне нормальная для этих мест. Но вот однажды, шериф городка Олсон начинает подозревать, что на этот раз тридцатидневный сумрак не пройдет так гладко. Вампиры подготавливают кровавый рейд на Бэрроу…

4.1 (10902 голосов)
In the age of heroes comes the mightiest warrior of them all, Beowulf. After destroying the overpowering demon Grendel, he incurs the undying wrath of the beast's ruthlessly seductive mother, who will use any means possible to ensure revenge. The ensuing epic battle resonates throughout the ages, immortalizing the name of Beowulf. Cast: Ray Winston, Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkinss, Robin Wright Penn, John Malkovich, Brendan Gleeson, Crispin Glover Directed by Robert Zemeckis Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium | США| Канада
6.2 (6.2 голосов)
Эксцентричный владелец волшебного магазина игрушек Эдвард Магориум, собирается отойти от дел по состоянию здоровья — всё-таки стукнул 243-й день рождения. Мистер Магориум за 114 лет управления магазином сумел превратить его в самое волшебное и красочное место на земле, где всегда был слышен детский смех. Он решает доверить своё необычное предприятие служащей-менеджеру Молли Махоуни. Молли — 25-летняя девушка. И хотя её жизнь полна радости и сюрпризов, девушка страдает от депрессии. В итоге её подавленное состояние души приводит к тому, что некогда шумный и оживлённый магазин превращается в серое и унылое место, находящееся на грани закрытия… история только начинается!

Promise Me This | Франция| Сербия
6.9 (6681 голосов)
Tsane lives with his grandfather and their cow Cvetka on a remote hilltop. Except for their neighbour, Bossa, they are the village's only inhabitants. One day, Tsane's grandfather tells the young man that he is dying. He makes Tsane promise to go over the three hills into the nearest town and sell Cvetka at the market there. With the money, he must buy a religious icon, then anything he really wants and finally, he must find a wife to bring home. In town, Tsane easily fulfils the first parts of his promise, but how is he going to get home with a wife before his granddad dies? That's when he meets Jasna, who is late for school as usual…... Casting: Aleksandar Bercek, Ljiljana Blagojevic, Miki Manojlovic, Uros Milovanovic Directed by Emir Kusturica Movie in Serbian and Croatian language with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

6.4 (41778 голосов)
Based on the children's fantasy novel by British author Dick King-Smith. "The Water Horse" tells the story of a lonely boy in Scotland who finds a mysterious egg from which hatches a "water horse" -- a mythical sea monster of Scottish legend. The Academy Award®-winning producer and special-effects team behind "The Lord of the Rings" join with Revolution Studios, Walden Media ("The Chronicles of Narnia") and Beacon Pictures to bring to the screen the magical motion picture "The Water Horse." Rooted in one of the most enduring and intriguing legends of our time, the story begins with an enchanted egg... and what hatches will set in motion an adventure that will take a young boy on the unforgettable journey of a lifetime. Cast: Emily Watson, Alex Etel, Ben Chaplin, David Morrissey, Brian Cox Directed by Jay Russel Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Golden Compass, The | США| Великобритания
6.1 (164,792 голосов)
Двенадцатилетняя Лира отправляется в удивительное путешествие к Северному Полюсу, чтобы спасти своего похищенного друга. В помощь к девочке приходят северные ведьмы под предводительством прекрасной Серафины Пеккала и огромный бронированный медведь. На пути их стоят зловещая Миссис Коултер и армия её монстров.

Irony Of Fate 2, The | Россия
5 (3661 голосов)
The director of "Nightwatch" and "Daywatch" presents the sequel to the cult Soviet comedy "The Irony Of Fate"! It's been 30 years since New Year's night when Zhenja Lukashin met his Nadja. Unfortunately they didn't stay together and got back to their previous lives. Both had children - a boy and a girl… The events of the second film resemble those of the original, only now everything happens to Nadja's and Zhenja's children - main character's unconscious flight from one city to another, addresses coincidence and, finally, fortuitous encounter… Casting: Konstantin Khabensky, Sergei Bezrukov, Liza Boyarskaya, Viktor Verzhbitsky, Barbara Brylska, Andrei Miagkov, Yuri Yakovlev, Dato Bakhtadze Directed by Timur Bekmambetov Script: Timur Bekmambetov Producer: Anatoli Maksimov Movie in russian language with subtitles in latvian.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets | США
6.5 (6.5 голосов)
Охотник за сокровищами Бен Гейтс, вооружившись поддержкой любимой женщины, верного друга Райли, а также своих родителей, отправляется на поиски затерянного золотого города. Только пройдя сквозь череду невероятных и увлекательных приключений, Бену удастся очистить имя своего предка от обвинений в убийстве Авраама Линкольна. Но не все так просто — параллельные поиски города ведет и некий Митч Уилкинсон, готовый на все ради достижения цели.

Michael Clayton | США
7.2 (167959 голосов)
Michael Clayton is an in-house "fixer" at one of the largest corporate law firms in New York. A former criminal prosecutor, Clayton takes care of Kenner, Bach & Ledeen's dirtiest work at the behest of the firm's co-founder Marty Bach. Though burned out and hardly content with his job as a fixer, his divorce, a failed business venture and mounting debt have left Clayton inextricably tied to the firm. At U/North, meanwhile, the career of litigator Karen Crowder rests on the multi-million dollar settlement of a class action suit that Clayton's firm is leading to a seemingly successful conclusion. But when Kenner Bach's brilliant and guilt-ridden attorney Arthur Edens sabotages the U/North case, Clayton faces the biggest challenge of his career and his life. Cast: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton, Sydney Pollack Directed by Tony Gilroy Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Fox And The Child, The | Франция
6.9 (4235 голосов)
The latest from Oscar-winning filmmaker Luc Jacquet ("March of the Penguins") is a fairy-tale like documentary about a girl who forms a friendship with a fox. Cast: Bertille Noel-Bruneau, Isabelle Carré Directed by Luc Jacquet Movie in French with subtitles in Latvian ad Russian.

Alvin and the Chipmunks | США
5.2 (73152 голосов)
Three chipmunks, Alvin, Simon and Theodore, who watch as their home is chopped down by a Christmas tree company. With the boys still inside, the tree is shipped off to the lobby of the prestigious Jett Records, helmed by a slick and conniving record executive named Ian Hawk (David Cross), in downtown Los Angeles. Ian is a former college roommate of Dave Seville (Jason Lee), a down-on-his-luck musician and songwriter who has never given up hope for making a successful career out of his quirky musical sensibilities. When Dave goes to Jett Records to pitch Ian a new song, he is rudely booted out of the offices. Taking a basket of muffins as consolation, he wanders past the Christmas tree being installed in the lobby. The Chipmunks, smelling the tasty muffins, jump in the basket unbeknownst to Dave, who unwittingly carts them back to his apartment where the Chipmunks secretly install themselves quite comfortably. Despite his misgivings about his new tenants, Dave seizes the opportunity to put together his songwriting skills with the 'Munks unique talents. Their first collaboration, "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" becomes an overnight sensation, propelling the Chipmunks to superstardom. They revel in the rock star perks that follow: album launch parties, limos, flashing cameras, fans and press interviews. Cast: Jason lee, David Cross, Cameron Richardson Directed by Tim Hill Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

In the Valley of Elah | США
7.2 (65,069 голосов)
Фильм повествует об офицере, чей сын-солдат немотивированно отправляется в самоволку вскоре после возвращения в Штаты из Ирака, и исчезает без следа. Местный полицейский детектив берется помочь офицеру в расследовании...

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