Pēc tam, kad CIP atklāj divu negodīgu spiegu atrašanās vietu, kuri ne tikai izgājuši no tīkla, bet kļuvuši par vīru un sievu, viņu ziemas medusmēneša kūrortā mežā visu elli atraisa starptautisku spiegu organizāciju konsorcijs, kuri cenšas 'lidojuma tablete' jeb cietais disks, un visi, kuriem ir aizdomas, ka abi varētu būt pievienojušies negodīgu spiegu tīklam, kas pazīstams kā Alarum.
After the CIA discovers the whereabouts of two rogue spies, who have not only gone off-grid but have become husband and wife, all hell is unleashed on their winter honeymoon cabin resort in the woods by a consortium of international spy organizations who are after a ‘flight pill’, aka a hard drive, and all of whom suspect the two may have joined a network of rogue spies known as the Alarum.
Pēc tam, kad CIP atklāj divu negodīgu spiegu atrašanās vietu, kuri ne tikai izgājuši no tīkla, bet kļuvuši par vīru un sievu, viņu ziemas medusmēneša kūrortā mežā visu elli atraisa starptautisku spiegu organizāciju konsorcijs, kuri cenšas 'lidojuma tablete' jeb cietais disks, un visi, kuriem ir aizdomas, ka abi varētu būt pievienojušies negodīgu spiegu tīklam, kas pazīstams kā Alarum.
After the CIA discovers the whereabouts of two rogue spies, who have not only gone off-grid but have become husband and wife, all hell is unleashed on their winter honeymoon cabin resort in the woods by a consortium of international spy organizations who are after a ‘flight pill’, aka a hard drive, and all of whom suspect the two may have joined a network of rogue spies known as the Alarum.