Divi brāļi gaida, kad tēvs atgriezīsies no frontes. Kad viņi redzēja, kādu ietekmi uz adresātiem atstāja melni burti, kurus tolaik sauca par nāves paziņojumiem, viņi lika pastniekam šīs vēstules slēpt līdz kara beigām.
Two brothers wait for their father to come back from the front. When they saw the effect that black letters which were then called death notices had on the recipients they talked the postman into hiding those letters until the end of the war.
Divi brāļi gaida, kad tēvs atgriezīsies no frontes. Kad viņi redzēja, kādu ietekmi uz adresātiem atstāja melni burti, kurus tolaik sauca par nāves paziņojumiem, viņi lika pastniekam šīs vēstules slēpt līdz kara beigām.
Two brothers wait for their father to come back from the front. When they saw the effect that black letters which were then called death notices had on the recipients they talked the postman into hiding those letters until the end of the war.