Bijusī Austrumvācija, 1992. Patriks Steins un Markuss Bahs, divi ļoti atšķirīgi policisti, tiek uzdoti izmeklēt divu pusaudžu pazušanu kādā nomaļā valsts vietā. Vai viņi aizbēga no mājām vai ar viņiem notika kas briesmīgāks?
Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?
Bijusī Austrumvācija, 1992. Patriks Steins un Markuss Bahs, divi ļoti atšķirīgi policisti, tiek uzdoti izmeklēt divu pusaudžu pazušanu kādā nomaļā valsts vietā. Vai viņi aizbēga no mājām vai ar viņiem notika kas briesmīgāks?
Former East Germany, 1992. Patrick Stein and Markus Bach, two very different police officers, are commissioned to investigate the disappearance of two female teenagers in a remote area of the country. Did they run away from home or did something more terrible happen to them?