Vardarbīgu attiecību traumētā Laura ar septiņus gadus veco dēlu Kodiju bēg no sava bijušā vīra. Taču savā jaunajā, idilliskajā un attālajā svētnīcā viņi atklāj, ka viņiem ir vēl viens, lielāks un šausminošāks briesmonis, ar ko tikt galā…
Laura, traumatized by an abusive relationship, runs away from her former husband with her seven-year-old son Cody. But in their new, idyllic and remote sanctuary, they find they have another, bigger and more terrifying monster to deal with…
Vardarbīgu attiecību traumētā Laura ar septiņus gadus veco dēlu Kodiju bēg no sava bijušā vīra. Taču savā jaunajā, idilliskajā un attālajā svētnīcā viņi atklāj, ka viņiem ir vēl viens, lielāks un šausminošāks briesmonis, ar ko tikt galā…
Laura, traumatized by an abusive relationship, runs away from her former husband with her seven-year-old son Cody. But in their new, idyllic and remote sanctuary, they find they have another, bigger and more terrifying monster to deal with…