Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
09.10.2022 Epizode 1 (Living in the Same Place, but Not Living Together.)
16.10.2022 Epizode 2 (Imagined, but Not Real.)
23.10.2022 Epizode 3 (Broken Up, and Not Rekindled.)
30.10.2022 Epizode 4 (A Hero, but Not the Main Character.)
06.11.2022 Epizode 5 (More Than a Nosebleed, but Less Than a Kiss.)
13.11.2022 Epizode 6 (A Male Virgin, but No Female Virgin)
20.11.2022 Epizode 7 (Fireworks, but No Embrace.)
27.11.2022 Epizode 8 (An Entreaty, but No Reassurance.)
04.12.2022 Epizode 9 (More Than a Childhood Friend, But Not True Love.)
11.12.2022 Epizode 10 ("Already" Has Passed, But Not "Yet".)
18.12.2022 Epizode 11 (More Than a Confession, but Not Yet a Broken Heart.)
25.12.2022 Epizode 12 (Episode 12)