Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
26.02.2018 Epizode 1 (O Brave New World)
27.02.2018 Epizode 2 (The Chimes at Midnight)
28.02.2018 Epizode 3 (This Promised End)
01.03.2018 Epizode 4 (This Rough Magic)
02.03.2018 Epizode 5 (Toil and Trouble)
05.03.2018 Epizode 6 (Exit, Pursued by a Bear)
06.03.2018 Epizode 7 (The Fairest Show Means Most Deceit)
07.03.2018 Epizode 8 (The Chameleon's Dish)
08.03.2018 Epizode 9 (The Rascal Cook)
09.03.2018 Epizode 10 (Ill Met by Moonlight)
Sezona 2
25.02.2019 Epizode 1 (Outrageous Fortune)
26.02.2019 Epizode 2 (The Play's the Thing)
28.02.2019 Epizode 3 (This Cursed Hand)
01.03.2019 Epizode 4 (Beware the Ides of March)
02.03.2019 Epizode 5 (No More Cakes and Ale)
05.03.2019 Epizode 6 (The Offered Fallacy)
06.03.2019 Epizode 7 (Nothing Will Come of Nothing)
07.03.2019 Epizode 8 (In My Memory Lock'd)
08.03.2019 Epizode 9 (The Envious Court)
09.03.2019 Epizode 10 (Too Cold for Hell)
Sezona 3
03.02.2020 Epizode 1 (How the Rogue Roar'd!)
04.02.2020 Epizode 2 (See Thyself, Devil!)
05.02.2020 Epizode 3 (The Sticking Place)
06.02.2020 Epizode 4 (A Serpent's Tooth)
07.02.2020 Epizode 5 (Thy Fury Spent)
10.02.2020 Epizode 6 (Reputation, Reputation, Reputation!)
11.02.2020 Epizode 7 (Best Beware My Sting)
12.02.2020 Epizode 8 (All That Glisters)
13.02.2020 Epizode 9 (O Thou Invisible Spirit of Wine)
14.02.2020 Epizode 10 (Teach Me, Dear Creature)
Sezona 4
14.02.2022 Epizode 1 (If It Be Mans Work)
15.02.2022 Epizode 2 (If Music Be the Food of Love)
16.02.2022 Epizode 3 (Too Much of Water)
17.02.2022 Epizode 4 (Most Wicked Speed)
18.02.2022 Epizode 5 (Hunger for Bread)
21.02.2022 Epizode 6 (Die We Must)
22.02.2022 Epizode 7 (Some Cupid Kills)
23.02.2022 Epizode 8 (And Rarest Parts)
24.02.2022 Epizode 9 (Time Decays)