Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
10.01.2021 Epizode 1 (A Tiny Happenstance)
17.01.2021 Epizode 2 (You Wear More Than One Face)
24.01.2021 Epizode 3 (That’s Why It’s Okay)
31.01.2021 Epizode 4 (Everybody Loves Somebody)
07.02.2021 Epizode 5 (I Can’t Say It Out Loud)
14.02.2021 Epizode 6 (This Summer’s Going to Be a Hot One)
21.02.2021 Epizode 7 (You’re Here, I’m Here)
28.02.2021 Epizode 8 (The Truth Deception Reveals)
07.03.2021 Epizode 9 (It’s Hard, but Not Impossible)
14.03.2021 Epizode 10 (Until the Snow Melts)
21.03.2021 Epizode 11 (It May Seem Like Hate)
28.03.2021 Epizode 12 (Hitherto, and Forevermore)
04.04.2021 Epizode 13 (I Would Gift You the Sky)