Savienojot visas savas dzīves cerības ar izglītību, Eda saskaras aci pret aci ar Serkanu Bolatu, kurš neapzināti samazina stipendiju ārzemēs un lika viņai palikt vidusskolas absolventei. Serkans Bolats piedāvā atdot Edai stipendiju, ja viņa uzdosies ar viņu saderināšanos divus mēnešus. Eda vispirms noraida piedāvājumu naida dēļ pret viņu, taču, apstākļiem mainoties, viņai nekas cits neatliek, kā pieņemt piedāvājumu. Izliekoties par saderināšanos, Serkanam un Edai sāk veidoties kaislīgas, izaicinošas attiecības, kas liks aizmirst visu, ko viņi zina pareizi, jo mīlēt ir grūti. Un tāpēc tas ir brīnišķīgi!!
Connecting all her hopes in her life to her education, Eda comes face to face with Serkan Bolat, who unknowingly cuts her scholarship abroad and caused her to remain a high school graduate. Serkan Bolat offers to give Eda her scholarship back if she pretends to be engaged to him for two months. Eda first rejects the offer due to her hatred for him, but when circumstances change, she has no choice but to accept the offer. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda begin to have a passionate, challenging relationship that will make you forget all they know right, because love is hard. And that's why it's amazing!!
Savienojot visas savas dzīves cerības ar izglītību, Eda saskaras aci pret aci ar Serkanu Bolatu, kurš neapzināti samazina stipendiju ārzemēs un lika viņai palikt vidusskolas absolventei. Serkans Bolats piedāvā atdot Edai stipendiju, ja viņa uzdosies ar viņu saderināšanos divus mēnešus. Eda vispirms noraida piedāvājumu naida dēļ pret viņu, taču, apstākļiem mainoties, viņai nekas cits neatliek, kā pieņemt piedāvājumu. Izliekoties par saderināšanos, Serkanam un Edai sāk veidoties kaislīgas, izaicinošas attiecības, kas liks aizmirst visu, ko viņi zina pareizi, jo mīlēt ir grūti. Un tāpēc tas ir brīnišķīgi!!
Connecting all her hopes in her life to her education, Eda comes face to face with Serkan Bolat, who unknowingly cuts her scholarship abroad and caused her to remain a high school graduate. Serkan Bolat offers to give Eda her scholarship back if she pretends to be engaged to him for two months. Eda first rejects the offer due to her hatred for him, but when circumstances change, she has no choice but to accept the offer. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda begin to have a passionate, challenging relationship that will make you forget all they know right, because love is hard. And that's why it's amazing!!