Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
22.06.2020 Epizode 1 (Emergency Landing in Tehran)
22.06.2020 Epizode 2 (Blood on Her Hands)
29.06.2020 Epizode 3 (Yasamin's Girl)
29.06.2020 Epizode 4 (Shakira and Sickboy)
06.07.2020 Epizode 5 (The Other Iran)
13.07.2020 Epizode 6 (The Engineer)
20.07.2020 Epizode 7 (Tamar's Father)
27.07.2020 Epizode 8 (Five Hours Until the Bombing Run)
27.07.2020 Epizode 9 (Episode 9)
Sezona 2
07.05.2022 Epizode 1 (13,000)
07.05.2022 Epizode 2 (Change of Plan)
12.05.2022 Epizode 3 (PTSD)
19.05.2022 Epizode 4 (The Rich Kids)
26.05.2022 Epizode 5 (Double Fault)
02.06.2022 Epizode 6 (Faraz's Choice)
09.06.2022 Epizode 7 (Betty)
16.06.2022 Epizode 8 (Blood Funeral)
Sezona 3
09.12.2024 Epizode 1 (Radioactive World)
16.12.2024 Epizode 2 (Punch in the Face)
23.12.2024 Epizode 3 (Lion's Den)
30.12.2024 Epizode 4 (Into the Fire)
06.01.2025 Epizode 5 (Unfinished Business)
27.01.2025 Epizode 6 (No Way Out)
03.02.2025 Epizode 7 (Nissan's Moment of Truth)
10.02.2025 Epizode 8 (On the Brink of The Abyss)