Viesuļvētras Katrīna laikā gājis bojā policista partneris, bet viņš vēlāk atklāj, ka viņa partneris varētu būt noslepkavots. Pēc tam notiek izmeklēšana, virsnieku un viņa jauno partneri iedziļinot noziedzīgās pasaules dziļumos.
A police officer's partner has died during Hurricane Katrina, but he later discovers that his partner may have been murdered. An investigation follows, taking the officer and his new partner into the depths of the criminal underworld.
Viesuļvētras Katrīna laikā gājis bojā policista partneris, bet viņš vēlāk atklāj, ka viņa partneris varētu būt noslepkavots. Pēc tam notiek izmeklēšana, virsnieku un viņa jauno partneri iedziļinot noziedzīgās pasaules dziļumos.
A police officer's partner has died during Hurricane Katrina, but he later discovers that his partner may have been murdered. An investigation follows, taking the officer and his new partner into the depths of the criminal underworld.