Aksels vēlas atrast savu sen pazaudēto tēvu un no jauna atklāt savu pagātni. Vera vēlas aizmirst savu, cenšoties pāriet no sirds sāpēm. Viņu stāsti apkopoti 21. gadsimta Londonas kausēšanas katlā.
Axl wants to find his long-lost father and rediscover his past. Vera just wants to forget hers as she tries to move on from heartbreak. Their stories come together in the melting-pot of 21st century London.
Aksels vēlas atrast savu sen pazaudēto tēvu un no jauna atklāt savu pagātni. Vera vēlas aizmirst savu, cenšoties pāriet no sirds sāpēm. Viņu stāsti apkopoti 21. gadsimta Londonas kausēšanas katlā.
Axl wants to find his long-lost father and rediscover his past. Vera just wants to forget hers as she tries to move on from heartbreak. Their stories come together in the melting-pot of 21st century London.