Džimijs redz, kā viņa vienīgie draugi apprecējas pa vienam. Viņš nav pārāk noraizējies, kamēr viņa draudzene Anne noķer pušķi sava drauga Marko kāzās. Pēkšņi viņa mežonīgās mustangu dienas tiek numurētas. Beidzot viņš nolemj viņai piedāvāt, bet viņš iesprauž kāju mutē un aizķer priekšlikumu. Apvainojusies par sakāves ierosinātāju, Anne atstāj pilsētu norīkojumā. Pēc tam, kad viņa ir aizgājusi, viņš uzzina, ka nesen mirušā vectēva testamentā noteikts, ka viņš neko nesaņem no miljonu dolāru lielas laimes, ja vien viņš nav precējies līdz 30. dzimšanas dienas pulksten 18.05: rīt! Nevarot atrast Annu, Džimijs sāk iet cauri savām pagātnes draudzenēm, lai atrastu sievu.
Jimmie is seeing his single friends get married one by one. He isn't too worried until his girlfriend Anne catches the bouquet at his friend Marco's wedding. Suddenly, his wild mustang days are numbered. He finally decides to propose to her, but he sticks his foot in his mouth and botches the proposal. Being insulted by the defeatist proposal, Anne leaves town on an assignment. After she's gone, he finds out that his recently-deceased grandfather's will stipulates that he gets nothing of a multi-million dollar fortune unless he's married by 6:05pm on his 30th birthday: tomorrow! Not being able to find Anne, Jimmie begins backtracking through his past girlfriends to find a wife.
Džimijs redz, kā viņa vienīgie draugi apprecējas pa vienam. Viņš nav pārāk noraizējies, kamēr viņa draudzene Anne noķer pušķi sava drauga Marko kāzās. Pēkšņi viņa mežonīgās mustangu dienas tiek numurētas. Beidzot viņš nolemj viņai piedāvāt, bet viņš iesprauž kāju mutē un aizķer priekšlikumu. Apvainojusies par sakāves ierosinātāju, Anne atstāj pilsētu norīkojumā. Pēc tam, kad viņa ir aizgājusi, viņš uzzina, ka nesen mirušā vectēva testamentā noteikts, ka viņš neko nesaņem no miljonu dolāru lielas laimes, ja vien viņš nav precējies līdz 30. dzimšanas dienas pulksten 18.05: rīt! Nevarot atrast Annu, Džimijs sāk iet cauri savām pagātnes draudzenēm, lai atrastu sievu.
Jimmie is seeing his single friends get married one by one. He isn't too worried until his girlfriend Anne catches the bouquet at his friend Marco's wedding. Suddenly, his wild mustang days are numbered. He finally decides to propose to her, but he sticks his foot in his mouth and botches the proposal. Being insulted by the defeatist proposal, Anne leaves town on an assignment. After she's gone, he finds out that his recently-deceased grandfather's will stipulates that he gets nothing of a multi-million dollar fortune unless he's married by 6:05pm on his 30th birthday: tomorrow! Not being able to find Anne, Jimmie begins backtracking through his past girlfriends to find a wife.