Divi vīrieši izkļūst no cietuma; pretinieku banda viņus uzmācas. Viens no tiem ir mirstīgi ievainots un pasaka otram Mikam, lai viņš aizved viņu uz pensionēta laupītāja Noela muižu, kurš mierā ar savu jauko un mīļoto sievu Nikolu. Vīrietis nomirst, un Mikijs, drausmīgs karstgalvis, prasa Noelam naudu. Pēc dažām dienām Mikijs atgriežas muižā, sarīko vakariņas un atkal viņus apdraud. Noels nosūta Nikolu uz viesnīcu un dodas pie savas vecās bandas, lai palīdzētu viņam nomedīt bīstamo Mikiju. Arī Mikim ir citas problēmas, ieskaitot sirds sāpes meitai, kuru viņš gandrīz nepazīst. Jauni, dedzīgi policisti saista Nicole, un visi viņi iziet sarežģītu sadursmes ceļu.
Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey has other problems, too, including heartache for a daughter he hardly knows. Young, eager cops tail Nicole, and all are on a complicated collision course.
Divi vīrieši izkļūst no cietuma; pretinieku banda viņus uzmācas. Viens no tiem ir mirstīgi ievainots un pasaka otram Mikam, lai viņš aizved viņu uz pensionēta laupītāja Noela muižu, kurš mierā ar savu jauko un mīļoto sievu Nikolu. Vīrietis nomirst, un Mikijs, drausmīgs karstgalvis, prasa Noelam naudu. Pēc dažām dienām Mikijs atgriežas muižā, sarīko vakariņas un atkal viņus apdraud. Noels nosūta Nikolu uz viesnīcu un dodas pie savas vecās bandas, lai palīdzētu viņam nomedīt bīstamo Mikiju. Arī Mikim ir citas problēmas, ieskaitot sirds sāpes meitai, kuru viņš gandrīz nepazīst. Jauni, dedzīgi policisti saista Nicole, un visi viņi iziet sarežģītu sadursmes ceļu.
Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey has other problems, too, including heartache for a daughter he hardly knows. Young, eager cops tail Nicole, and all are on a complicated collision course.