Jaudīga dinastija, kuru vada harizmātisks, manipulatīvs tēvs, krīt, kad nolemj nodot savu kriminālo impēriju savām trim samaitātajām un varas alkstošajām meitām. Kath vada bordeli pie dokiem, Tracy pieder futbola komanda, un Jo, bijusī narkomāne un prostitūta, noraida viņas mantojumu, māsas Kath un Tracy sagraujot viena otru.
A powerful dynasty, headed by a charismatic, manipulative father, falls when he decides to hand over his criminal empire to his three corrupt and power-hungry daughters. Kath runs a brothel down by the docks, Tracy owns a soccer team and Jo, a former junkie -- and prostitute -- rejects her inheritance, pitting sisters Kath and Tracy against each other.
Jaudīga dinastija, kuru vada harizmātisks, manipulatīvs tēvs, krīt, kad nolemj nodot savu kriminālo impēriju savām trim samaitātajām un varas alkstošajām meitām. Kath vada bordeli pie dokiem, Tracy pieder futbola komanda, un Jo, bijusī narkomāne un prostitūta, noraida viņas mantojumu, māsas Kath un Tracy sagraujot viena otru.
A powerful dynasty, headed by a charismatic, manipulative father, falls when he decides to hand over his criminal empire to his three corrupt and power-hungry daughters. Kath runs a brothel down by the docks, Tracy owns a soccer team and Jo, a former junkie -- and prostitute -- rejects her inheritance, pitting sisters Kath and Tracy against each other.