Karola un Neils ir sekmīgi atzīmju ziņā, taču vidusskolā nav īpaši populāri. Kad Karola uzzina, ka divi ārvalstu apmaiņas studenti no Francijas un Itālijas tika novirzīti uz citu skolu, viņa domā, ka viņa un Neils varēja ieņemt vietas un būt viena semestra vidū sabiedrības interešu lokā.
Carol and Neil are are successful in terms of grades, but not very popular at their highschool. When Carol comes to know that two foreign exchange students from France and Italy were redirected to another school, she figures she and Neil could take their places and be in the middle of public interest for one semester.
Karola un Neils ir sekmīgi atzīmju ziņā, taču vidusskolā nav īpaši populāri. Kad Karola uzzina, ka divi ārvalstu apmaiņas studenti no Francijas un Itālijas tika novirzīti uz citu skolu, viņa domā, ka viņa un Neils varēja ieņemt vietas un būt viena semestra vidū sabiedrības interešu lokā.
Carol and Neil are are successful in terms of grades, but not very popular at their highschool. When Carol comes to know that two foreign exchange students from France and Italy were redirected to another school, she figures she and Neil could take their places and be in the middle of public interest for one semester.