Marka un Joanna Wallace desmit gadu laulība ir uz klintīm. Zibatmiņā viņi atsauc atmiņā savu pirmo tikšanos, neaizmirstamus mirkļus savās laipnībās un agrīnajā kāzu dzīvē, ceļojumus pa Eiropu, salauzto solījumu, ka nekad nav bērnu, un pieaugošo spriedzi, kuras dēļ viņiem abiem bija ārpuslaulības lietas.
The ten-year marriage of Mark and Joanna Wallace is on the rocks. In flashback they recall their first meeting, memorable moments in their courtship and early wedded life, their travels through Europe, their broken vow never to have children, and their increasing tensions that led to both of them having extra-marital affairs.
Marka un Joanna Wallace desmit gadu laulība ir uz klintīm. Zibatmiņā viņi atsauc atmiņā savu pirmo tikšanos, neaizmirstamus mirkļus savās laipnībās un agrīnajā kāzu dzīvē, ceļojumus pa Eiropu, salauzto solījumu, ka nekad nav bērnu, un pieaugošo spriedzi, kuras dēļ viņiem abiem bija ārpuslaulības lietas.
The ten-year marriage of Mark and Joanna Wallace is on the rocks. In flashback they recall their first meeting, memorable moments in their courtship and early wedded life, their travels through Europe, their broken vow never to have children, and their increasing tensions that led to both of them having extra-marital affairs.