Ar milzīgajām konusa formas galviņām, robotu līdzīgām pastaigām un apetīti pēc tualetes papīra citplanētieši Beldar un Prymatt nav precīzi saplūst ar Paramus, NJ, bet kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ visi viņiem tic, kad saka, ka viņi ir no Francijas.
With enormous cone-shaped heads, robotlike walks and an appetite for toilet paper, aliens Beldar and Prymatt don't exactly blend in with the population of Paramus, N.J. But for some reason, everyone believes them when they say they're from France.
Ar milzīgajām konusa formas galviņām, robotu līdzīgām pastaigām un apetīti pēc tualetes papīra citplanētieši Beldar un Prymatt nav precīzi saplūst ar Paramus, NJ, bet kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ visi viņiem tic, kad saka, ka viņi ir no Francijas.
With enormous cone-shaped heads, robotlike walks and an appetite for toilet paper, aliens Beldar and Prymatt don't exactly blend in with the population of Paramus, N.J. But for some reason, everyone believes them when they say they're from France.