Zaglis Kevins Caffery mēģina izlaupīt no bagātā uzņēmēja Maksa Fērbenksa mājas. Bet Fērbenks viņu noķer un nozog viņa loloto gredzenu, kuru viņam uzdāvināja draudzene. Pēc tam kafetērija tiek atriebta un ar savu partneru palīdzību atgūst savu gredzenu.
Thief Kevin Caffery attempts to rob from the home of rich businessman Max Fairbanks. But Fairbanks catches him and steals his cherished ring that his girlfriend gave him. Caffery is then bent on revenge and getting his ring back with the help of his partners.
Zaglis Kevins Caffery mēģina izlaupīt no bagātā uzņēmēja Maksa Fērbenksa mājas. Bet Fērbenks viņu noķer un nozog viņa loloto gredzenu, kuru viņam uzdāvināja draudzene. Pēc tam kafetērija tiek atriebta un ar savu partneru palīdzību atgūst savu gredzenu.
Thief Kevin Caffery attempts to rob from the home of rich businessman Max Fairbanks. But Fairbanks catches him and steals his cherished ring that his girlfriend gave him. Caffery is then bent on revenge and getting his ring back with the help of his partners.
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