Cilvēks, kurš cenšas samierināties ar tēva grēkiem, dara drausmīgu atklājumu, ka viņa paša dēls ir nonācis nozieguma dzīvē drāmā, kuras pamatā ir patiess stāsts. Vinsents LaMarca ir uzticīgs un labi ievērots Ņujorkas policijas detektīvs, kurš ir ļoti centies distancēties no savas pagātnes.
A man struggling to come to terms with the sins of his father makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime in a drama based on a true story. Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past.
Cilvēks, kurš cenšas samierināties ar tēva grēkiem, dara drausmīgu atklājumu, ka viņa paša dēls ir nonācis nozieguma dzīvē drāmā, kuras pamatā ir patiess stāsts. Vinsents LaMarca ir uzticīgs un labi ievērots Ņujorkas policijas detektīvs, kurš ir ļoti centies distancēties no savas pagātnes.
A man struggling to come to terms with the sins of his father makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime in a drama based on a true story. Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past.