Tā ir karsta vasaras diena 1933. gadā Dienvidfīlijā, kur 12 gadus vecais Gennaro dzīvo kopā ar atraitni un mammu, kurai ir grūtības, un viņa sēž ārpus mājas cieši līdz pēdējam ceturksnim, kuru viņš ir apsolījis Gennaro un kurš Gennaro vēlētos, lai būtu nopirkt biļeti uz plīša jauno kinoteātri. Bet vectēvs nav gatavs nodot ceturksni vai nodot savu galīgo atlīdzību: viņam ir nepabeigti darījumi ar savu pagātnes sievieti, un viņš aicina Gennaro darboties kā viņa pilnvarotajam.
It's a hot summer day in 1933 in South Philly, where 12-year old Gennaro lives with his widowed mom and his ailing grandpa, who sits outside holding tight to his last quarter, which he's promised to Gennaro and which Gennaro would like to have to buy a ticket to the plush new movie theater. But grandpa's not ready to pass on the quarter or pass on to his final reward: he has some unfinished business with a woman from his past, and he enlists Gennaro to act as his emissary.
Tā ir karsta vasaras diena 1933. gadā Dienvidfīlijā, kur 12 gadus vecais Gennaro dzīvo kopā ar atraitni un mammu, kurai ir grūtības, un viņa sēž ārpus mājas cieši līdz pēdējam ceturksnim, kuru viņš ir apsolījis Gennaro un kurš Gennaro vēlētos, lai būtu nopirkt biļeti uz plīša jauno kinoteātri. Bet vectēvs nav gatavs nodot ceturksni vai nodot savu galīgo atlīdzību: viņam ir nepabeigti darījumi ar savu pagātnes sievieti, un viņš aicina Gennaro darboties kā viņa pilnvarotajam.
It's a hot summer day in 1933 in South Philly, where 12-year old Gennaro lives with his widowed mom and his ailing grandpa, who sits outside holding tight to his last quarter, which he's promised to Gennaro and which Gennaro would like to have to buy a ticket to the plush new movie theater. But grandpa's not ready to pass on the quarter or pass on to his final reward: he has some unfinished business with a woman from his past, and he enlists Gennaro to act as his emissary.