Carter Burwell

Carter Burwell

Carter Burwell

18.11.1955 (69 gadi) (New York City, New York, USA)

Carter Benedict Burwell (born November 18, 1954) is an American composer of film scores. He has frequently collaborated with the Coen brothers, having scored 15 of their films. Burwell has also scored three of Todd Haynes' films and all the films of director Martin McDonagh. He has received Academy Award nominations for Best Original Score for Haynes' Carol (2015) and McDonagh's Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017). Other notable film scores include the Spike Jonze films Being John Malkovich (1999), Adaptation (2002), and Where the Wild Things Are (2009), David O. Russell's Three Kings (1999), Lisa Cholodenko's Olive Kitteridge (2014), and Charlie Kaufman's Anomalisa (2015).


Piedalījās radīšanā

Inišerinas Banšī (2022)

IMDB: 7.8 (87663 balsu)
Katrīna sauca Birdiju (2022)

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The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021)

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Rītausma. 1.daļa (2011)

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Kinsejs (2004)

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IMDB: 7.5 (111168 balsu)
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IMDB: 5.6 (8901 balsu)
Hamlets (2000)

IMDB: 5.9 (8916 balsu)
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IMDB: 6.3 (38485 balsu)
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