Zefa vētrainās attiecības ar brāli Roni vēl vairāk saasina, kad Roni apprecējas ar meitu tāpat kā viņa sievas bērēs. Abi brāļi nekad nav tikuši viens pie otra. Viens ir uzticīgs savai reliģijai, otrs dzīvo tikai tagadni. Starp Londonu, Parīzi, Sentropēzu un Ņujorku konfrontāciju un nodevību sērija draud padzīt ģimeni tālāk, taču no šīs neskaidrības iznāks lielisks mīlas stāsts, iespējams, pat divi ...
Zef’s stormy relationship with his brother Roni is further aggravated when Roni marries his daughter just as he is attending to his wife’s funeral. The two brothers have never got on with each other. One is faithful to his religion, the other lives only for the present. Between London, Paris, Saint-Tropez and New York, a series of confrontations and betrayals threatens to drive the family further apart, but out of this confusion will come a great love story, perhaps even two...
Zefa vētrainās attiecības ar brāli Roni vēl vairāk saasina, kad Roni apprecējas ar meitu tāpat kā viņa sievas bērēs. Abi brāļi nekad nav tikuši viens pie otra. Viens ir uzticīgs savai reliģijai, otrs dzīvo tikai tagadni. Starp Londonu, Parīzi, Sentropēzu un Ņujorku konfrontāciju un nodevību sērija draud padzīt ģimeni tālāk, taču no šīs neskaidrības iznāks lielisks mīlas stāsts, iespējams, pat divi ...
Zef’s stormy relationship with his brother Roni is further aggravated when Roni marries his daughter just as he is attending to his wife’s funeral. The two brothers have never got on with each other. One is faithful to his religion, the other lives only for the present. Between London, Paris, Saint-Tropez and New York, a series of confrontations and betrayals threatens to drive the family further apart, but out of this confusion will come a great love story, perhaps even two...