Divus jaunus vīriešus nopietni skar Vjetnamas karš. Viens no viņiem vienmēr ir bijis apsēsts ar putniem, bet tagad tic, ka viņš tiešām ir putns, un ir nosūtīts uz psihiatrisko slimnīcu. Vai viņa draugs var palīdzēt viņam izkļūt?
Two young men are seriously affected by the Vietnam war. One of them has always been obsessed with birds - but now believes he really is a bird, and has been sent to a mental hospital. Can his friend help him pull through?
Divus jaunus vīriešus nopietni skar Vjetnamas karš. Viens no viņiem vienmēr ir bijis apsēsts ar putniem, bet tagad tic, ka viņš tiešām ir putns, un ir nosūtīts uz psihiatrisko slimnīcu. Vai viņa draugs var palīdzēt viņam izkļūt?
Two young men are seriously affected by the Vietnam war. One of them has always been obsessed with birds - but now believes he really is a bird, and has been sent to a mental hospital. Can his friend help him pull through?