Veiksmīgs un precējies melnādains vīrietis domā par attiecībām ar baltu meiteni no darba. Viņš pamatoti uztraucas, ka rasu atšķirības jau tabu attiecības vēl vairāk pasliktinās.
A successful and married black man contemplates having an affair with a white girl from work. He's quite rightly worried that the racial difference would make an already taboo relationship even worse.
Veiksmīgs un precējies melnādains vīrietis domā par attiecībām ar baltu meiteni no darba. Viņš pamatoti uztraucas, ka rasu atšķirības jau tabu attiecības vēl vairāk pasliktinās.
A successful and married black man contemplates having an affair with a white girl from work. He's quite rightly worried that the racial difference would make an already taboo relationship even worse.