Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) un viņa degošais sarkanais Pontiac iekļūst Trans-America Grand Prix - pazemes ceļu sacīkstēs visā kontinentā, kurā nav noteikumu, nav ātruma ierobežojumu un nav ievēroti likumi. Ceļā Buckman žokeji ar starptautisku braucēju ansambli par 100 000 USD maku. Bet nav neviena svarīgāka par Kademu Redmanu (Bils Makkinijs), viņa tiešajām sacensībām par garantēto vietu elites Modern Motors sacīkšu komandā.
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) un viņa degošais sarkanais Pontiac iekļūst Trans-America Grand Prix - pazemes ceļu sacīkstēs visā kontinentā, kurā nav noteikumu, nav ātruma ierobežojumu un nav ievēroti likumi. Ceļā Buckman žokeji ar starptautisku braucēju ansambli par 100 000 USD maku. Bet nav neviena svarīgāka par Kademu Redmanu (Bils Makkinijs), viņa tiešajām sacensībām par garantēto vietu elites Modern Motors sacīkšu komandā.
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.